Our Packages!
Coaching Services:
Basic Coaching Package $5-10
With this package we will go over basic fundamentals combos.
Tailored for Gold to Low Plat ELOs.
We will skim over replays, as well as a small document that includes a structured list of tips to help improve the player.
- Includes one 30-45 Minute Coaching Session
Medium Coaching Package:
With this package we will go over advanced fundamentals and combos.
- Tailored for Mid Plat to Low Diamond 1800-2200
In depth replay analysis as well watching ranked games and in game tips, spotting things the player needs to work on in real time.
As well as a Medium sized document that includes a structured list of tips to help improve the player
-Includes More tips in note document
- Includes two 1 Hour Coaching Sessions
Advanced Coaching Package:
This packages includes all the previous offers and the following:
- Large Document including tips and personal coaching
-Continuous coaching until you hit your desired rank/skill
- Includes Boosting if desired
For our Advanced Package members we strive for greatness!
We guarantee that if after a month, we see no improvement, we will refund a percentage of your purchase!
Basic Boosting Package:
Medium Boosting Package:
- Includes boosting to Diamond in 1v1s or 2v2s
- Estimated Time for 2v2s: 1-2 Hours
1v1s: 1 Hour
Consultation is required before buying this package. Please contact me on
Discord: #untouched1475
*If you are low ELO an account login may be required for 1v1!*
*Please Note this packages’ pricing is based on your skill level!*
Advanced Boosting Package:
This package includes the following: - Valhallan Boosting
Ranked 1v1 is required as well account information
You can use Family View + Steam Guard- And or 2FA for PlayStation users if you are hesitant about account logins as well spectate the games happening in real time, This will give you the peace of mind we strive to deliver